Two Causes of Tripped Circuit Breakers

by | Oct 17, 2013 | Electronics

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There are two causes for tripped circuit breakers: a circuit overload or a short circuit. Here is what can be done to help avoid tripping your breaker such as ITE Circuit Breakers.

Circuit Overload
Circuit overloads occur when a power outlet has too many appliances in use at the same time. Circuit breakers such as ITE circuit breakers are designed to avoid serious electrical issues by shutting off the power source during overload. When you have several appliances plugged into one outlet operating at the same time this can lead to circuit overload. This will trip the system turning the electrical supply to that area of your home off to avoid serious damage. In order to avoid circuit overload instruct family to do the following:

  • Avoid using appliances and electronics at the same time when plugged into one outlet. A good example is using the microwave and blender at the same time.
  • If you experience a tripped circuit breaker take note of what outlet was being used and let family know not to double up on usage to avoid future overload.
  • Make sure items that are not being used are turned off such as stereo equipment, toasters and coffee makers.

Short Circuit
A short circuit is far more dangerous than circuit overload. A short circuit is caused by the overheating of wires which means there is an electrical issue. When a short circuit occurs there is usually an indication it has occurred due to a burnt smell. If you suspect a short has occurred do the following:

  • First check the plug and cord of the appliance in question and look for fraying or damage. If you see any issues this is probably the cause of the short. Do not use this appliance again unless you have the cord replaced.
  • If the cord seems fine, next check the outlet for any signs of burn such as black or brown discoloration of the plate. If you do see discoloration there is more than likely a more serious issue with the wiring. You want to have an electrician check this as soon as possible as this can be a serious fire hazard.

Following these guidelines will help you avoid tripped circuit breakers in the future.

Circuit overloads occur when a power outlet has too many appliances in use at the same time. Circuit breakers such as ITE circuit breakers are designed to avoid serious electrical issues by shutting off the power source during overload. Choose from a variety of different types from

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